Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinaha. Sarve Santu Niramayah.

About the Founder

Sri Vittaldas Maharaj
Brahmashri Vittaldas Jayakrishna Deekshithar, son of Brahmashri Rama Deekshithar, hails from the Guru Parampara of Sengalipuram Brahmashri Muthannaval (Sri Vaidhyanatha Deekshithar) and Sengalipuram Brahmashri Anantharama Deekshithar. Brahmashri Vittaldas Maharaj is also the most blessed-disciple of the Guru Parampara of Gnanananda Giri Swamigal of Dhakshina Halasyam, H H Sri Sri Sri Haridhos Giri Swamigal (Guruji) and Paranur Mahathma Brahmashri Krishna Premi Swamigal (Sri Sri Anna). Learn More
Sri Vittal Rukmini Sarva Vidyalaya is a dedicated institution committed to the preservation of the 11 Shakas (branches) of the Vedas, the ancient sacred texts of India. Our school stands as a beacon for the preservation and dissemination of this cultural and spiritual heritage. Through immersive programs and a dedicated faculty, we provide a comprehensive learning experience focused on the meticulous study, recitation, and understanding of the Vedas. Learn more